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About Us

Your Child Is in Great Hands



The first few years of life are the most important for brain development. At Lacey's Little Learners Preschool and Little University of Chico Preschool, we believe that children learn best through meaningful experiences in a caring, supportive environment with peers and knowledgable adults as their guides and collaborators. 


We are committed to building a partnership with each family to provide the best Preschool and school-age childcare. Every child's needs are unique including individual and varying temperaments, interests and rates of development. We see young children as curious, motivated learners who are also dependent upon adults for nurturance, support, and guidance during this important time in their lives.

Preschool is an amazing time of growth. When a child asks “why”, tries a new activity, or talks to their peers, they actively learn about their environment and how to interact with others. Our classroom is abound in materials that invite children to explore and reflect their diverse interests and learning profiles. Different areas of the facility represent learning domains that connect to language and literacy, math, science, social science and visual and performing arts to deliver a rich learning experience.

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